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Venue information:


How can I purchase ambulant tickets?

This can be purchased online via AXS - for each show there will be an accessible bookings link via AXS for you to book your wheelchair access. Please note that the wheelchair ticket does not have a seat, if you book this ticket and you don’t require wheelchair access there will be no seat for the customer with a wheelchair ticket. When purchasing you need to add 1 wheelchair and 1 companion ticket to complete the order. Any bookings that have selected 2 free companion tickets to avoid paying will be cancelled and released.

If you would like to purchase more seats with your wheelchair access booking as you are coming with extra friends or family, this is possible however it's just not possible at this current stage to do so online. If the show in question is going on sale this week, we hold the below seats off sale to add to orders if requested. Please purchase your wheelchair access booking following the above guide and contact us with your order number as soon as you have purchased so we can arrange the seats next to you to be added to your order. It's important you contact straight away as these seats do get released if we haven’t had any requests.

Access Card

We work with Nimbus Disability and accept the Access Card as a form of evidence. It’s not required, but it means customers won’t have to provide repeat details every time they book and lets us know about any support or facilities they’ll need when they visit. Please provide us with your name and Access Card ID number when emailing the venue.

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme

For those with hidden disabilities, we are proudly members of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme. Wearing their Sunflower lanyard is a discreet way of letting staff know that you may need extra assistance – our staff are trained to recognise the Sunflower and may ask if they can provide any additional help. Lanyards can be collected from the Box Office.

Accessible Parking

For information regarding accessible parking please visit the Watford Borough Council website (

Local Blue Badge Parking Bays

There are six blue badge parking bays close to the venue alongside the Leisure Centre, Peace Prospect. Additional bays can be found alongside Sainsburys, Gaumont Approach and Gade Car Park, Bentine Lane.

Please visit this website for more information and an interactive map.

Local Transport

Metropolitan Line: Watford Underground Station

National Rail: Watford Junction (Step-Free Access)

Buses: 319, 322, 347, 335 508, and W30.

Venue opening times

The door times are different depending on the event – please check the event listing on this website for accurate door time.

Customers with Medical Requirements

Food and drink are not permitted into the venue, however we do make exceptions for those who need to bring medicines, food or drink to manage a medical condition, or medical equipment. Should you have any concerns, please email us on for further details.

A medic is on site for all events at our venue – should you require any medical assistance on the night, please speak to any member of staff who can call the medic for you.

BSL Interpreters

We offer BSL interpretation wherever possible. We advise that customers requiring BSL interpretation contact us as soon as possible after an event goes on sale so we can make the necessary arrangements before the event sells out. You can email us on for further details – we can call you back using TypeText if you prefer

Assistance Dogs

Assistance Dogs are welcome into the venue and our staff are happy to look after them during the performance. If you are bringing an assistance dog, please email us on to let us know in advance.

Strobe Lighting

The use of strobe lighting is dependent on the show itself. If you are concerned about the use of strobe lighting at an event you’d like to attend, please email us and we will contact the event promoters for you to get any information you need. Signs will be placed around the venue on show nights to warn of any strobe lights where necessary.

Contact Us

Please email us on with any questions not answered on this page.

We are available to answer emails between 10am – 5pm Monday-Friday and will aim to get back to you within 5 working days.

Please note: we do not have a phone line currently to take calls or call customers back